Holistic Healing

Helping fierce women find their soft power.

Empowering high-achieving women to heal and grow by embodying soft skills that celebrate all parts of you - body, mind, and spirit - so you can stop believing that you are only loved when you do things well, and start feeling important for being exactly who you are- RIGHT NOW.

Dear Fierce Woman,

Are you tired of always chasing the next goal? Tired of feeling like what you are doing is never enough? Like YOU are never enough?


What if you didn’t need to be constantly optimizing?What if you didn’t have to search for external confirmations of your worth?
What if you just knew that you were good enough?

Just as you are.

I am telling you right now, you do not need to stack another habit or optimize your morning routine or work yourself into the ground just to ‘have it all’.

Fierce Woman, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Somatic Coach
somatic healing

Hi, I’m Dez.

I see high-achieving women burning out every single day because they are pushing, straining, and efforting their way to the top.

I see your resilience.  I feel your exhaustion. AND I have so much compassion for you…because I am you.  

I wasn’t born a high-achiever. I adapted into one to survive my childhood trauma.

Trauma Therapy

 You weren't always a hyper-functioning, hyper-responsible, high-achiever.

You weren’t always trying to do everything yourself–because if you don’t, who will? You weren’t always fixated on productivity, goals, and outcomes. I want you to know right now, that you are not alone in this. It may go against everything you know, but softness is the way forward.

Somatic Therapy


Embodiment is the path toward sustainable healing.

You are a Fierce Woman who needs help finding her Soft Power.

You need a trauma-informed approach.

One that is gentle, flexible, nuanced, and that accurately reflects the complex interaction between your past and present + mind and body. You need to feel your way out of this problem. I want to show you an approach that is embodied, meaningful, and transformational.

Let me teach you soft skills that
will help you excel with ease.

Join me in a healing journey that incorporates somatic therapy, embodiment practices, inner child work, and mind/body tools. Here’s how we can work together:

Yoga Therapy & Somatic Coaching

Work with Me

The Fierce Woman’s Guide To Slowing Down:

A FREE 7 Day Mini Course

Get unstuck from stress and overwhelm in 15 minutes or less.

Somatic Therapy For Trauma

1:1 Somatic
